Transportation Show & Tell - 3/26/24
In March, we hosted our first ever Transportation Show & Tell! We had 17 YPTers in attendance with 10 presenters sharing details on the work they do each day! We got to learn about SDOT's ADA program, Bellevue's safe school zones, Seattle City Light's curbside EV charging stations, King County Metro's Spot Improvements, transit scheduling, bike paths, and more! Special thanks to the following YPT Members who shared their work with us:
Andrew Randall | Transportation Planner at King County Metro |
Arman Rajaeian | ADA Project Manager at Seattle Department of Transportation |
Carl Leighty | Schedule Analyst at Community Transit |
Markus Johnson | Associate Urban Planner/ Designer at MAKERS |
Melodi Yanik | Sustainable Transportation Coordinator at Pierce County |
Michael Leach | Membership and Development Manager at Move Redmond |
Michael Pham | General Engineer at the Federal Transit Administration |
Rachel Brown | Research Analyst at King County Metro |
Rohit Ammanamanchi | Senior Transportation Planner at City of Bellevue |
Scott Jirous | Associate Project Manager at Leidos |